Container Picking

You are able to pick a container to fulfill a picking order. When you pick a container the entire container is added to the order detail. When the order is saved, the contents are removed from inventory and the container is deleted from the system.

Important: Container picking is only available if the role of the logged-in user includes the Containers featureThis feature is available in edit mode and read-only mode. It is a division level setting. Access to this feature activates the Containers option for a division. When the Containers setting is ON for a division, the Manage > Containers option and the Manage > Container Types option are enabled and the user may reach the Manage Containers page and the Manage Container Types page in the web application. In the mobile application, the Manage > Containers option is enabled and the user may view the container list at a site. Edit access grants the ability to add, edit, and delete a container and the ability to add, edit, and delete a container type in the web application and the ability to add and edit a container in the mobile application. and if the Container option is used in the default division.

Note: In order to pick a container, the container must only have consumable items. If a container has at least one asset, it cannot be picked. Items are added to a container at the Manage Containers page. Select Manage > Containers from the navigation pane to reach this page.

Note: A container must be picked in full. After a container is picked, it is deleted from the system.

Picking a Container

Note: The Pick Container icon activates when the Picking Order contains an order detail.

You are able to pick a container from the Pick Container form. To perform container picking, see the steps below.

  1. Open the Picking Orders page by selecting Orders > Picking from the navigation pane.
  2. Add an order by clicking the Add icon; see "Adding a Picking Order" for more information.
  3. Or, edit an existing order by selecting the order and clicking the Edit icon; see "Editing a Picking Order" for more information.
  4. When the order contains details, the Pick Container icon becomes enabled and you are able to perform container picking.

  1. To pick a container, click the Pick Container icon .
  2. The Pick Container form appears.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Select Container field.

  1. Select a Container to pick. The container is placed in the Select Container field. The contents of the container populate the form.

  1. To pick this container, click the Pick icon .
  1. If the contents of the container are able to fulfill the items in the order detail in full, the Pick Container form closes, you are returned to the Picking Orders page, and the items in the container are added to the order detail. If it is required to fill the order, an inventory let down is performed on the item in the container. The Actual Quantity field is updated with the container item quantity.

Important: A partial container pick is not allowed.

Important: A container with assets cannot be picked.

Important: A container must contain consumables to be picked. You cannot pick an empty container.

Processing the Container Pick

To pick this container, click the Save icon Save Icon.

When this order is saved, the pick quantity is picked from inventory, the container is picked in full and it is deleted from the system. The Picking Orders page clears. It is ready to perform another order pick.

Important: The container is deleted from the system after it is picked.